12oz sleek (202/204) cans with BPANI lining

Full pallet (14 layers, 7084 cans total)

Dunnage fees applied at time of purchase, refundable once dunnage returned

Pallet dimensions: 56in x 44in x 92in. Weight: 300lbs.

Number of layers: 14

Total number of cans: 7084

Full spec sheets are available upon request.

Empty aluminum cans are fragile. We make every effort to care for the cans in our warehouse and when preparing them for shipment. There will be some can damage during shipping which may render a small number of your cans unusable. Typically can loss is 1% or less. We can not guarantee against product loss during shipping, however if you notice that >5% of your cans are damaged at the time they arrive, please take pictures of the pallet before you unbind it and send us a copy of the pictures. We will do everything we can to hold the shipper responsible for damage. We never ship cans with significant amounts of damage.

Brite Can
Sleek 12oz (355ml) 202/204 BPANI - P14
14-Layer (7084 cans)
Lead Time:
1-3 Days
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